L´Empire (french Version)
ISSN 1248-0932
72 pages
Couverture : Christophe Madura
Auteurs : Sébastien Boudaud, Christophe Madura, Dimitri Jallade, Philippe Crépet assisté par Justin Petermann et Aurélien Prunier, Yanick Porchet.
Illustrateurs : Enrique Cordeiro, Christophe Madura, Florian Lacote, Amandine Thomas, Benoït Girier, Eric Fessard, Bernard Lagarde, Pierre Noël.
Colour cover.
- Two pages on papers in the Empire
- 5 pages on the Loren Forest: talk about trees, plants and the Mosses
- A Three pages novel on a Dwarf becoming a Trollslayer
- A one page Focus on the Trollslayer career
- A Skeleton Major Hero NPC description
- Two pages on the theater plays you can find in the Empire
- A Warhammer Battle scenario.
Editions Le Grimoire